General FAQs

What grades are offered by Cyber Academy of South Carolina (CASC)?

CASC offers full-time enrollment for grades K–12.

What subjects will my child study?

Does CASC provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

Will my child have the same graduation opportunities as students in traditional public schools?

Can my child work at his or her own pace?

What happens if my K–8 student completes a course mid-year?

Mid-Year Course Promotion Policies 

Students are enrolled in age-appropriate coursework for the core subjects.  However, due to multiple indicators such as Baseline/Interim assessment scores, previous test scores, and parent feedback, there are some students who may need a lower or higher course for his or her needs.  If a family wishes to place a child in a course higher or lower than what is on track, they must conference with the homeroom teacher.

Elementary and Middle School Mid-Year Course Progression

Because of the rigor of our school curriculum, it is not suggested that students progress too quickly through their online courses.  However, some students can move forward at an accelerated rate.  If this accelerated pace is monitored by the learning coach and the teacher, new coursework in Language Arts and Math may be ordered if the present level is completed at 100% by March 1st.  Students must demonstrate mastery of all grade-level standards for the content area before advancement can be considered. CASC reserves the right to make all final decisions.

If K–8 students enroll mid-year, do they start partway through a course?

No. Our placement tests indicate which course students should start in, and they begin with the first lesson, even if it is February. Teachers pro-rate progress goals for the school year to measure appropriate growth during the time the student was enrolled. If students reach the last day of the school year and have not completed a course, they may work on it in the summer and/or pick up with the next lesson on the first day of school in the fall.

How much time do students spend on the computer?

In the younger grades, many of the online lessons include offline work. Students in grades K–2 spend about 30–40 percent of their time on the computer, while students in grades 3–5 spend about 50–60 percent of their time online. Screen time increases in middle school, and by high school, most of the school day is online.

Do you provide curriculum for special needs children?

Depending on a child’s IEP, we can tailor our curriculum to meet your needs. To discuss your child’s needs with us, please contact our office, and we will put you in touch with our special education team.

Can you accommodate the accelerated learning needs of my gifted/talented child?

The beauty of our program is that it is flexible enough to meet children where they are in any given subject and take them where they want to go. Grade placement assessments, completed as part of the enrollment process, allow us to place your student in the appropriate level of curriculum. So, for example, if your fourth grader is doing math on a sixth-grade level and reading on a fourth-grade level, we can tailor lesson plans to meet your student’s abilities.

How do students interact socially?

Students spend time with classmates online and through school outings, field trips, and other activities. In addition to school-based clubs, K12 online national clubs help connect students with like interests and passions.

Will this program intrude into my home?

There are no home visits as part of the program and no other intrusions into your home.

Can students do extracurricular activities in their resident district?

There is a new state law in South Carolina that allows charter school students to participate in district extracurricular activities. Districts may charge charter school students a participation fee. Part-time high school students may participate in the full scope of their resident district or charter school’s offering.

How do I enroll my student?